Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's Better Than an iPhone?!

An iPhone wearing a custom Snarky Beagle case! Yes! I just bought an iPhone 4 last week and while I was on the search for a good, tough case (I'm a chronic phone dropper... many of my phones have met their ends on sidewalks, in rivers, etc.) I discovered that Case-Mate offered custom cases. All you have to do is upload a file and they do the rest.

So I turned this:

Into this:

Pretty sweet, huh? The colors turned out just right which I was a little worried about. Here's the same design in different colors. The one thing I don't like is that the inside bumper only came in black which looks a little dopey but oh well. They also offer a "slim" case without the bumper. That's what I get for being a klutz I guess!

So what do you think? I love seeing the design on a real product. It's pretty amazing. One of my favorite designers, Jessica Swift, is doing a Kickstarter project to make rain boots with her designs so I can only imagine how exciting it would be to see a whole line of products with my designs. Maybe someday! 

In the meantime, holler if you want me to order one of these for you! You can pick any design and pick the colors. The case was $29.99 (with a $10 off online coupon).


  1. I don't know why it says anonymous. It's Kelly. :)

  2. Haha. Thanks Kelly! Maybe it says anonymous because you moved to Wordpress?
