Wednesday, May 2, 2012

300% MORE Wedding Projects

The other day when Kevin and I were knee deep in various wedding projects, he asked me what percentage more DIY projects were we taking on than the average couple. To which I laughed... A LOT MORE. It's partially because we're trying to plan a wedding in one of the three most expensive places in the country on a modest budget. It's partially because we're nuts and have five million ideas.
We bought this old window at a barn sale a couple months ago. Kevin painted it (yet again risking life and limb) and backed it with chicken wire. I picked some choice random photos from various vacations and trips to Butler's Orchard and made them vintagey looking in Photoshop. Too cute?
We also got this vintage briefcase at said barn sale for cards. I sewed the little flags with a bunch of blue and white fabric I've been hoarding. See?
The rest of this going to become more little flags once I actually get the motivation to break out my sewing machine again. What you have to realize is that I only get this kind of creativity in spurts so when it happens I have to knock out like four projects in one weekend.
So I also sewed these burlap 20x20 squares to go on the white table cloths. I used a decorative zig zag stitch and I didn't realize that it would eat through two spools of blue thread. So yeah, some of them are different colors... no big deal.
But the good news about zig zag? It's a little more forgiving if, like me, you cannn't really sew in a straight line. So yeah, don't examine that too closely :) More projects to come soon like our invites/RSVP cards that we designed and ordered from Zazzle this weekend. 


  1. Wow!! I really loved these wedding projects you have shared. Recently had been to my friend’s wedding at one of Los Angeles wedding venues where I saw wonderful décor along with delicious food arrangements. I really enjoyed everything there.
