Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week Twelve: Oh Hai New Obsession

I really can't tell how late I am to this party. I'll claim to be fashionably late. Have you heard of Pinterest?! I finally got my official invite last night and I'm already pinning away. Pinterest is basically an online, social bulletin board where you can pin inspiring photos, recipes and designs, and see what others are pinning.

This is such a great tool for someone like me (read as "scatterbrained messssss"). My previous method of bookmarking inspiration was starring Google Reader items, which I would scroll back through, uh, maybe once a year. Needless to say... it was ineffective. 

Another thing that's great about Pinterest, other than filling in for the MIA-Right-Side-Of-My-Brain (I must have bounced off our trampoline and into the bushes a few too many times as a child), is that I can create as many boards as I want. 

I started with a "Snarky Style" board. Similar to my earlier post about finding and defining my style, I think this will really help me hone and broadcast that image. I also started boards for:

So to fulfill my "crowd sourcing" obligation for class. Tell me what I should pin! Designs? Recipes? Something a little more off the wall? Also if you are interested in joining, I have five invites so post a comment and I'll send you one!

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